There has been an increase in the demand for instrumentation that are suitable for fail-safe installations. That is installations that have been designed to minimize risk of damage and harm to equipment and personnel by maintaining a safely operation in case of emergency.
Overall four (4) Safety Integrity Levels (SIL 1 to SIL 4) are defined, with SIL1 being the lowest level and SIL4 the highest.
In the past all that was typically required for many installations was an area approval. It used to be SAA but we have moved on to using IEC Ex Approvals. Of course these approvals are different from SIL but were of comfort (and still are) when installing analysers in Hazardous area locations. Most of the equipment AMS supports has an IEC Ex approval. In the analytical arena, ElectroChemical Devices (ECD) with their Water Analysis instrumentation; Optek’s photometers; Michell’s Dew Point; Oxygen; Thermal Conductivity; etc. are all IEC Ex Approved.

Flow Components International (FCI) have had a range of flow switches that are SIL2 Approved. AMS has sold the FLT93 Flow switch into many and varied applications over the years. FCI have, more recently added SIL approvals to some of their Thermal Dispersion Flow Meters as well, these too have been well accepted by industry. Another of AMS’s key suppliers, Michell, have added SIL2 Oxygen and Thermal Conductivity Analysers to their repertoire. NTron too has a SIL2 Oxygen sensor system available..
As an example, you might have a critical Nitrogen generator in your process. If that generator needs to ensure that the Oxygen level present above a certain, low, level or there is a critical safety issue then that loop might need a Safety Integrity Level of 2. If that is your need then Michell and NTron will certainly be of interest to you.

Likewise when using Thermal Conductivity Analysis your process might have a safety needs whereby a SIL2 rated device makes perfect sense. Under those circumstances the XTC601 from Michell might suit your application. SIL2 opens many doors and is definitely a feature that puts Michell ahead of the pack. Michell have always been an exceptional company willing to listen to their customers and continue to be innovative and evolve their range. We believe that Michell is currently the only manufacturer with SIL2 rated O2 & H2 analyzers.
In the past something like this (SIL2 Approval) was only deemed necessary in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Michell tell us that, they are seeing the need expand to nuclear, and that refining and hydrocarbon processing companies are all asking for SIL rated products.
Again, if Safety Integrity Levels are needed within your gas analytical measurements then AMS should be your first port of call. It may be that we can assist and support your SIL needs.
For further information on the contact Peter Sims peter.s@ams-ic.com.au