AMS-IC appointed Process Vision distributors for Australia, NZ and PNG
AMS-IC are proud to be appointed the Process Vision distributors in Australia, NZ and PNG further showing the growth of the company. The Process Vision company has been placed under our Analytical division banner, which is headed by Peter Sims..
Process Vision believes that with improved data, engineers can make better and more informed decisions. Effective monitoring of gas/liquid separators can improve safety and profitability of an asset.
If process failures are not quickly detected, contaminants such as liquids, solids and hydrates can enter the export line leading to compensation claims or even closure of a tie-back, causing downtime for all assets linked to the tie-back. Significant remediation costs can be incurred.
After a four-year development program, a safe, innovative, retro-fit system to quickly report and determine contamination of “dry” gas systems is undergoing certification prior to first field trials. LineVu provides a continuous live video stream of pipeline activity and alarms upon a process failure, with analysis systems that can determine the extent and identity of the contamination. When engineers are able to see the extent and impact of the problem, immediate action can be taken and a better diagnosis is possible. Process data is overlaid on the video so that events can be replayed with all the relevant data on screen.
With zero intrusion into the pipe diameter, the optical system is recessed from the pipeline to avoid contamination of the optics, and there is a secondary containment system to enable long term, safe, monitoring.
LineVu is a video-based system designed to detect contamination in high pressure gas systems, enable alarm notifications and allow access to live video to both office-based and field-based engineers.
By providing better data on which to base operational decisions regarding process safety and efficiency, the system improves accountability of gas suppliers to gas network systems and can boost production in gas treatment plants. With live data, immediate action can be taken to prevent or minimise further contamination entering a gas network system, and recorded data can be used as evidence to recover pigging and clean-up costs from suppliers who breach supply agreements.
Everyone wants to get the most from the assets they have, but being able to see what is happening in a high pressure gas treatment plant or gas pipeline has not been possible until now. Liquid carry-over, foam or even hydrate formation are common problems that need attention as soon as they occur. Unexpected liquids appearing in gas systems are the cause of large-scale loss and process failures, and can have an impact on asset integrity.
LineVu is a very powerful tool for diagnostics, and provides evidence of events where tariff agreements have been broken and justification is needed to support a decision to temporarily stop the supply, or support a compensation claim from the gas supplier.
LineVu is a high precision camera system which can be used to determine the real flow limits of a gas/liquid separator system to support and improve flow modelling of “as built” processing plants.
Using existing tapping points LineVu can be installed at custody transfer points, or at the entry to, or exit from, critical gas processing systems, providing indisputable evidence of contamination events.
Permanent installation allows process failure events to be detected early, and prevent loss and damage of assets such as compressors or absorber beds, and foam control becomes easier to manage.
The information that LineVu delivers allows engineers throughout the gas and refining industry to make informed decisions. The confidence it brings allows engineers to find the real limits of gas/liquid separators, increasing production while remaining within safe operating limits.